There’s no doubt about it, COVID-19 has changed a large portion of how we live our lives. Since the declaration of the pandemic by the World Health Organization, many schools and businesses have resorted to going remote. This means parents are working from home while also having to take care of their children and keep on schedule with their remote education. So, what can you do as a parent to make this challenging time easier? The following includes a few tips on balancing work from home and teaching your kids. 


Delegate Responsibilities 


If you are fortunate enough to live in a two-parent household or have older children living with you, you may consider delegating the home’s responsibilities. You can have you and your spouse take turns checking up on your child’s online schooling. This will provide you with a set schedule to concentrate on work without the risk of being interrupted. You may use this strategy to take care of other home responsibilities, from preparing food for your child to checking the mail. 


Have Open Communication with Your Job


Don’t worry, if you are a single parent, you still have plenty of options at your disposal. One of the best ways to properly conduct your job and be there for your children is to speak with your manager or HR department. Tell them the reality of the situation and how you may need certain moments of the day to focus on your child. They will appreciate your honesty and will often work with you to find some balance between work and your children. 


Set Routines


The pandemic has undoubtedly caused some uncertainties within everyone’s daily lives. However, this does not mean you’re totally out of control. Take the time to develop a routine for both yourself and your child. This should involve starting your day at the same time, having breakfast at the same time, and taking your breaks at the same time. Making these actions priorities can no doubt make your days that much easier for yourself and your child. 


Getting through the current pandemic requires balancing your child’s needs with your own. You’ll need to communicate with your workplace, delegate tasks, and create new routines for your family.