Dr. Ember Conley is an Educator, a social-emotional expert, a child champion, and a change agent based in the Salt Lake City, Utah area.
As a parent, Ember is no stranger to the hurdles and obstacles in life that one must overcome, especially as a career single mom. Being the sole parent to her daughter while also putting herself through school and then building and developing a career was incredibly taxing, but she loved every moment of it. With so much love in her heart and kindness and compassion to give, Ember decided to expand her family, and she adopted her son at birth.
With adopting her son came a lot of learning for Ember. In his childhood, he underwent speech therapy and occupational therapy for his learning disabilities. When – a few years later – he was diagnosed with severe ADHD, Ember began critically analyzing the question, “How do we best help and educate a child who has these unique abilities?”
Being an educator, as a parent of a child with learning disabilities, Ember Conley had the tools in her arsenal to help her navigate the difficulties of the public school system while advocating for her son and the resources he needed to learn. However, in doing so, she realized how few other parents have access to that same knowledge or are able to advocate for the same resources. She wants to help parents advocate for their children and be better empowered to stand up for their rights and demand what is needed.
In her experience in education administration, Ember Conley also saw just how difficult it can be to get everyone on the same page and cooperating when it comes to a child’s education and development plan. Even when a functioning system is identified, educators are sometimes resistant to implement it for the sake of the child. There is a distinct lack of communication between parents and educators that is causing a rift in our children’s education.
Ember Conley believes that, largely, we’ve become a society where we send our children to school to be taught everything by the education system and be “fixed” by their teachers, where many educators are pushing for more involvement at home. However, the solution isn’t one or the other; it’s both. There needs to be a partnership in children’s education between parents and teachers to help raise our children to be wiser, kinder, healthier individuals.
Learn more about Ember Conley and her insights into parenting by visiting her blog page!

Ember Conley’s Latest Post:
D’s World – Constant Stream of Verbal Thought
Welcome back! Have you ever been around someone who talks about everything that comes into the brain? A true verbally “gifted” person that has a constant stream of verbal thought lives at our house. Yes, that would be our D. I adopted D as a baby. I was in the...